bmw x5 Problems

bmw x5 2014 Complaints


i have leased brand new 2014 bmw x5 on 12/09/2013. suddenly after 2 days, it has broken. heated steering function stopped working. service department of my selling dealer kept the vehicle overnight and found out something is broken and the broken part has to be replaced. they said it would be going to take at least end of january 2014(this is what they told verbally). neither service department of the selling dealer nor the manufacturer, guarantee when it can fix and refused to provide document evidence on that. right now 2014 bmw x5s are on the road without having the replacement parts to fix in case of issues. in my case it is heated steering wheel, but i'm not sure the electronics of this vehicle since it has broken so new and it is taking longer time to fix which nobody knows when. what i believe is manufacturers should not release their vehicles, unless they have full control on their production lines. also i ask document evidence from manufacturer and selling dealers service department, by confirming that this vehicle is safe to drive. they are refusing to provide such document. i really doubt that 2014 bmw x5s are still good enough to hit the road. btw, the vehicle is still on temporary tags. since the vehicle was so new when it broke and the time it is going to fix it is a uncertain, i feel really unsafe on this vehicles appreciate if you could investigate this. thank you.

Reported in: WILMINGTON DE || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C55E0


i have leased brand new 2014 bmw x5 on 12/09/2013. suddenly after 2 days, it has broken. heated steering function stopped working. service department of my selling dealer kept the vehicle overnight and found out something is broken and the broken part has to be replaced. they said it would be going to take at least end of january 2014(this is what they told verbally). neither service department of the selling dealer nor the manufacturer, guarantee when it can fix and refused to provide document evidence on that. right now 2014 bmw x5s are on the road without having the replacement parts to fix in case of issues. in my case it is heated steering wheel, but i'm not sure the electronics of this vehicle since it has broken so new and it is taking longer time to fix which nobody knows when. what i believe is manufacturers should not release their vehicles, unless they have full control on their production lines. also i ask document evidence from manufacturer and selling dealers service department, by confirming that this vehicle is safe to drive. they are refusing to provide such document. i really doubt that 2014 bmw x5s are still good enough to hit the road. btw, the vehicle is still on temporary tags. since the vehicle was so new when it broke and the time it is going to fix it is a uncertain, i feel really unsafe on this vehicles appreciate if you could investigate this. thank you.

Reported in: WILMINGTON DE || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C55E0


my vehicle has soft-close doors, after closing the doors they popped open while driving, not fully open, only about a half-inch, enough to be ajar and for the open door indicator to light up on the dashboard. this happened 4 times in the first 5 weeks of owning the vehicle and bmw has not been able to fix it, giving it back to me each time with the claim that they are unable to reproduce the problem. on one occasion, and as requested by the dealership, i drove the car back with an ajar door without touching it or turning off the engine. the dealership took a photo and stated that this shouldn't have happened given that the car has soft-close doors and that it won't actually start driving if any door is still slightly open. i have a copy of the photo as proof, but the dealership upon instruction from bmw na was instructed to return the vehicle stating that it has no issue. the dealership did replace the locking mechanisms on the two doors (both front and rear passenger side doors) that became ajar, but it happened again, the fourth time.

Reported in: MOUNTAIN VIEW CA || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C51E0


my vehicle has soft-close doors, when i started driving from home, all the doors were closed, and the doors were locked. after about 2 miles, i suddenly heard loud noise/air coming through the front passenger door. the front passenger door popped open while driving, not fully open, only a little to hear the noise and for the open door indicator to light up on the dashboard. this happened when my kid was sitting in the back. i have to pull over safely within few yards and closed the door manually. this is dangerous as my kids sometime sit leaning onto the door or take a nap with support from the door. i stopped driving the vehicle and took it to the dealership at the next available appointment. the dealership checked and returned the vehicle back saying they are "unable to reproduce".

Reported in: AURORA IL || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C55E0


my vehicle has soft-close doors, when i started driving from home, all the doors were closed, and the doors were locked. after about 2 miles, i suddenly heard loud noise/air coming through the front passenger door. the front passenger door popped open while driving, not fully open, only a little to hear the noise and for the open door indicator to light up on the dashboard. this happened when my kid was sitting in the back. i have to pull over safely within few yards and closed the door manually. this is dangerous as my kids sometime sit leaning onto the door or take a nap with support from the door. i stopped driving the vehicle and took it to the dealership at the next available appointment. the dealership checked and returned the vehicle back saying they are "unable to reproduce".

Reported in: AURORA IL || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C55E0


this happened to me while driving a brand new 2014 bmw x5 on 3 separate occasions (different days) the drivers door and the left rear passenger door both opened while driving. the door will open to the point that i can hear the wind coming through the door. i get a sign on the dash board that the door is open, interior lights goes on, however, without the audible sound to warn that a door is open. if i try to pull on the door to close it, it will not close unless i completely open the door and slam it shut. if i try to push the door to open it without pulling the handle it would not open either. i took my car to my local bmw local dealership after the second time it happened and they took it in to check: the electrical wiring on the doors, the locks and finally reprogrammed the car. three days later the same issue happened on the driver passenger door while i was driving and as i was turning. i felt the door moving as it opened, got the visible display that the door opened however without the audible alarm again. the door locks i have have the automatic suction door shutting system and the door locks automatically engage as soon as i drive off.

Reported in: ABU DHABI CO || Crash: N || VIN #: 0G96866


this happened to me while driving a brand new 2014 bmw x5 on 3 separate occasions (different days) the drivers door and the left rear passenger door both opened while driving. the door will open to the point that i can hear the wind coming through the door. i get a sign on the dash board that the door is open, interior lights goes on, however, without the audible sound to warn that a door is open. if i try to pull on the door to close it, it will not close unless i completely open the door and slam it shut. if i try to push the door to open it without pulling the handle it would not open either. i took my car to my local bmw local dealership after the second time it happened and they took it in to check: the electrical wiring on the doors, the locks and finally reprogrammed the car. three days later the same issue happened on the driver passenger door while i was driving and as i was turning. i felt the door moving as it opened, got the visible display that the door opened however without the audible alarm again. the door locks i have have the automatic suction door shutting system and the door locks automatically engage as soon as i drive off.

Reported in: ABU DHABI CO || Crash: N || VIN #: 0G96866


this happened to me while driving a brand new 2014 bmw x5 on 3 separate occasions (different days) the drivers door and the left rear passenger door both opened while driving. the door will open to the point that i can hear the wind coming through the door. i get a sign on the dash board that the door is open, interior lights goes on, however, without the audible sound to warn that a door is open. if i try to pull on the door to close it, it will not close unless i completely open the door and slam it shut. if i try to push the door to open it without pulling the handle it would not open either. i took my car to my local bmw local dealership after the second time it happened and they took it in to check: the electrical wiring on the doors, the locks and finally reprogrammed the car. three days later the same issue happened on the driver passenger door while i was driving and as i was turning. i felt the door moving as it opened, got the visible display that the door opened however without the audible alarm again. the door locks i have have the automatic suction door shutting system and the door locks automatically engage as soon as i drive off.

Reported in: ABU DHABI CO || Crash: N || VIN #: 0G96866


while returning home from chicago, around 3:30 pm on sunday 07/26/14 - i was exiting i-88 on the route 31 exit ramp. halfway up the ramp the trunk/hatch of the x5 opened on its own. the car was traveling approx. 28 - 30 mph when the hatch opened under its own control. both of the drivers (my) hands were on the steering wheel turning the vehicle well away from the trunk controls located on the driver side door at the time. my dog was located in the back/trunk of the car when the hatch decided to open. luckily he was sleeping at the time it opened as there is usually no holding him back when it comes to entering or exiting the car. combine this with the fact that i think he was confused as to why the car was still moving at the time the hatch opened, that by the time i got the car pulled over and in park; the dog (sarge), was just on the verge of jumping out and i was able to catch him when he attempted to do so. i was fortunate that the car directly behind me on the ramp saw the dog and stopped so i was able to gather the dog and return him to the car safely. i then proceeded to close the trunk using the button located on the hatch. the hatch/door operated without incident for the remainder of the ride home. while i'm grateful that no one was was hurt or injured as result of this incident, the scene was still kind of terrifying. you're driving and the trunk on your suv magically comes under power and opens on it's own? while the car was moving? with my dog in the trunk? what if i was doing 55 mph on the highway and i was in the middle lane of the highway? i previously scheduled the car for service because the trunk wouldn't open, but then it started working again, so i never brought the car in for service. so i've gone from the trunk not wanting to open to opening on it's own while the car is in drive and in motion.

Reported in: NORTH AURORA IL || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C55E0


while returning home from chicago, around 3:30 pm on sunday 07/26/14 - i was exiting i-88 on the route 31 exit ramp. halfway up the ramp the trunk/hatch of the x5 opened on its own. the car was traveling approx. 28 - 30 mph when the hatch opened under its own control. both of the drivers (my) hands were on the steering wheel turning the vehicle well away from the trunk controls located on the driver side door at the time. my dog was located in the back/trunk of the car when the hatch decided to open. luckily he was sleeping at the time it opened as there is usually no holding him back when it comes to entering or exiting the car. combine this with the fact that i think he was confused as to why the car was still moving at the time the hatch opened, that by the time i got the car pulled over and in park; the dog (sarge), was just on the verge of jumping out and i was able to catch him when he attempted to do so. i was fortunate that the car directly behind me on the ramp saw the dog and stopped so i was able to gather the dog and return him to the car safely. i then proceeded to close the trunk using the button located on the hatch. the hatch/door operated without incident for the remainder of the ride home. while i'm grateful that no one was was hurt or injured as result of this incident, the scene was still kind of terrifying. you're driving and the trunk on your suv magically comes under power and opens on it's own? while the car was moving? with my dog in the trunk? what if i was doing 55 mph on the highway and i was in the middle lane of the highway? i previously scheduled the car for service because the trunk wouldn't open, but then it started working again, so i never brought the car in for service. so i've gone from the trunk not wanting to open to opening on it's own while the car is in drive and in motion.

Reported in: NORTH AURORA IL || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C55E0


tl* the contact owns a 2014 bmw x5. the contact stated that while driving at various speeds, the front driver and rear driver side doors opened independently. the vehicle was taken to the dealer for a diagnostic testing and the door latches were replaced. the contact also stated that the infotainment screen malfunctioned and was replaced. the manufacturer was notified of the failure. the approximate failure mileage was 14,500.

Reported in: LOS ANGELES CA || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR6C54E0


the doors on my brand new x5 open slightly and become ajar while driving. when this happens, there is a 'thunk' sound and i can hear air noise due to the small gap. this happened on 7/26/14 to the rear passenger side door. bmw north america worked on the vehicle for several days replacing the rear door latch mechanisms and adjusting the two front door mechanisms. the problem was not corrected, on 8/23/14 the driver's door also became ajar while i was driving. when it happens it is somewhat startling due to the sudden 'thunk', particularly when it's the driver's door. on both occasions, when the incident happens, the dashboard lights up indicating that a door is not correctly closed. the doors are locked when this happens. the vehicle is equipped with soft-close doors. noboby was touching the doors when the problem occurred.

Reported in: MOUNTAIN VIEW CA || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C59E0


pedestrian (daytime) warning and avoidance system activated spontaneously on an empty street - there was no pedestrian in sight and no car in front of me. the car automatically suddenly braked violently and a truck right behind me almost hit me. i feel this is a serious safety issue as it has potential for a serious accident if this were to happen again in a more crowded street. it is disconcerting to drive a car that may suddenly brake without warning!

Reported in: PROVIDENCE RI || Crash: N || VIN #: 5UXKR0C54E0